Text Obfuscation


Almost A Poem

This text was stolen from maxwedge.com
iL"TCZlBBuec|bk{eSeBaAptHy3vG[ vHcD:Htl3Xgu5cYt0k]ecMtlVylpw E7cBl@u{ycgkV3y!BrjV"rlB,O This text was stolen from maxwedge.com
Lxt{7@edhZqec kxcnhhoPiGcikezpe;UnJZz >Ot;?uJo^lxwdz5Def 7Qtwhv;esh 0dNUvu63XcEHk[TE.sO Do your own work!
9hM"aQFPu0za;cjkBedHt3OjyH0V zqMrauB90a9pcBmkzu7!VE"TK,E Every time you plagiarize, Godzilla steps on a kitten.
<?iFtHf?h6x0ePk ^vdt=IKuocpbikN CfsIh@sRo:8yt:?3 dbmvAaS<gc`qkn\,zKG This text was stolen from maxwedge.com
O"bJANvn0id8 \]hIKNE 6qdYpAeiob[n8H3j'UtT eCzglViFEVva_9eN 6RaY_"\,HlJ5 Do your own work!
^"lISKh0QIo6VLolVtr8"tyfN.rr wv:]SucVhaRSFi3[`dD5iN ^yntPT=h\ueAA woCMeqw9EiBlyD.Mn
© 2020, David A. Bell, from his unpublised collection Why won't anyone publish this crap?

The purpose of this page is to demonstrate text obfuscation to discourage automated content scrapers from swiping your content and placing it on their pages to increase SEO on their ad-riddled spam sites.

Easy enough for a determined person to defeat with sed/awk/perl/php, but content thieves are generally too lazy for that.

Copy the text between the lines above and paste it in a text editor to see what it does.


Decode a '62-'65 Mopar VIN here:
Decode a '66-'75 Mopar VIN here: