
For several years, I've been collecting information on North American Mopar dealerships that existed before 1980, as well as dealerships that have closed since then. Most of the information was gathered from car brochures, newspaper ads, window stickers and old phone books.
You can search old Chrysler Corporation dealerships above by state/province (required field), city, and name. Partial names are OK and can be searched in conjunction with city to narrow your search. If the dealership brand is not in the name, but is known, it will be listed in parentheses. Some dealerships in rural areas may have handled more than just Chrysler brands, or may have been authorized service centers that didn't necessarily sell new cars.
Please Note: Owing to web plagiarists scraping this database and posting it as their own work, search results now contain a copyright notice. It's easy enough to remove, but serves as a reminder that this database requires quite a number of unpaid hours. If you post this information on a website or forum, please state where the data originated.
If you have any information that you would like to share concerning old Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth or DeSoto dealerships, please
contact me. If you can provide a scanned image of the source (dealer stamp from a brochure, newspaper ad, window sticker, etc.), that would be ideal. Your information will be shared with the Internet Mopar community and will be greatly appreciated by anyone seeking information on that dealership.
The database has exceeded 2,500 entries and there are about 1,000 yet to add (I'm a slow typist...). I have received several letters and emails from people who have found the dealership that originally sold their car based on this information.
Note: Dealership records are in hand for all 50 states and all ten provinces, though not all have been added to the database yet. Still missing are dealerships for all three Canadian territories; does anybody know if there are/were dealerships that far north?
Also in queue are over 125 dealerships in Mexico. Stay tuned...
ab ak ar az bc
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